
Overview of earning mechanics


User will need to register an account to start earning.

Earning Structure

For the free task package, users will be able to earn CTIK daily. The boosted task package will allow users to earn from 0.13% to 0.167% daily (4% - 5% monthly) on the amount committed in CTIK.

Reward blocks

CTIK Deflationary Mechanics

Users will be able to turn their uploaded content into an NFT. 10,000 CTIK will be required to mint content into NFT, 20% of the fees will then be burned. This feature will enabled the content creator to monetize their content and make profit from the sale of it.


5% tax will be imposed on any sell or transfer. 2% will be burned and 3% will go into the Treasury Fund


Funds will be allocated to be used in Marketing, Monthly Bounties, Monthly Leaderboards Prizes and Charity donations.

Last updated